Cumbria Archives
Preserving and providing the written heritage of Cumbria

Catalogues and guides

As well as our online catalogue, CASCAT, and the guides below, researchers should also consult our Advance Order collections page before requesting records. More online resources for family, Cumbrian and national history can be found on our useful links page.

Church Records

Further information and links to finding records of the following:

  • Church of England (parish, cathedral and diocesan records)
  • Roman Catholic churches
  • Non-conformist churches and chapels
  • Wills and probate before 1858

Guide to Church Records


Public Records

Public Records are created by Government departments, courts and other bodies covered by Public Records legislation. The National Archives has appointed the Cumbria Archive Centres as Places of Deposit for these records.

These include quarter sessions and other courts, coroners, health authorities and hospitals, railways, shipping and nationalised industries and their predecessors (British Steel, National Coal Board, Carlisle State Management Scheme), Inland Revenue, insurance and old age pensions.

See our guide for further information on these categories of records and for links to the catalogues.

Guide to Public Records